Coursera Php Courses List faq

As an online course platform, Coursera offers a wide range of Php courses to help learners gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the field. From basic to advanced, Coursera's courses provide comprehensive instructions on the fundamentals of Php programming, as well as more advanced topics such as web development and database management. With a variety of course formats, learners can find the perfect fit for their learning style.


19 Related Courses

for Coursera Php Courses

Building Web Applications in PHP

Coursera Coursera 2,866 2,866 learners
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This course provides an introduction to web application development, covering the basics of HTML, PHP, CSS, and MySQL. Students will learn the request/response cycle, variables, logic, iteration, arrays, error handling, and superglobal variables, as well as how to install and use an integrated PHP/MySQL environment. View all

Build a free website with WordPress

Coursera Coursera 5 5 learners
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This course teaches students how to create a free website in WordPress for personal or commercial purposes. Students will learn how to use WordPress to build a website from scratch, and how to customize it to their needs. They will also learn how to use plugins and themes to enhance their websites. View all


Develop a free website with WordPress

Coursera Coursera 2 2 learners
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This course teaches students how to create a free website using WordPress. Students will learn how to develop their websites for personal or commercial use, and will gain the skills to create a website from scratch. View all

Use WordPress to Create a Blog for your Business

Coursera Coursera 262 262 learners

Explore the essentials of Use WordPress to Create a Blog for your Business View all


Create a Website Using Wordpress : Free Hosting & Sub-domain

Coursera Coursera 12 12 learners

Discover the fundamentals of Create a Website Using Wordpress : Free Hosting & Sub-domain View all

Create an online presence with a free website from WordPress

Coursera Coursera 3 3 learners

Gain an introduction to Create an online presence with a free website from WordPress View all

Build an Automobile Listing Website with PHP

Coursera Coursera 2 2 learners

Gain an introduction to Build an Automobile Listing Website with PHP View all

Learn PHP Database Connectivity

Coursera Coursera 2 2 learners

Get a comprehensive overview of Learn PHP Database Connectivity View all

Build Messenger Clone Using PHP and MySQL

Coursera Coursera 1 1 learners

Discover the fundamentals of Build Messenger Clone Using PHP and MySQL View all

Developpe un site Internet gratuit avec WordPress

Coursera Coursera 1 1 learners

À la fin de ce projet, vous apprendrez à développer votre site Web gratuit créé dans WordPress à des fins personnelles ou commerciales. View all

Creer un site Web gratuit avec WordPress

Coursera Coursera 1 1 learners

À la fin de ce projet, vous apprendrez à créer un site Web gratuit dans WordPress à des fins personnelles ou commerciales. View all

Build a Facebook Clone with PHP

Coursera Coursera

Gain an introduction to Build a Facebook Clone with PHP View all

Learn Object-Oriented Programming with PHP

Coursera Coursera

Explore the essentials of Learn Object-Oriented Programming with PHP View all

Les bases du langage PHP

Coursera Coursera

Dans ce cours d'une heure, basé sur un projet vous apprendrez la définition du php,la création des variables en php,la différence entre "echo" et "print" ,quelques fonctions sur les chaînes et quelques fonctions mathèmatiques. View all

Construye un sitio web con Wordpress

Coursera Coursera

En este proyecto guiado construirás un sitio web completo, atractivo y amigable, tanto con el administrador como también con los usuarios. Usarás wordpress, un sistema de administración de contenido gratuito. View all

Quelques instructions en PHP

Coursera Coursera

Dans ce cours d'une heure, basé sur un projet vous apprendrez à faciliter le stockage de nombreuses informations et à définir les conditions pour l'exécution d'un code spécifique, et à l'exécuter un certain nombre de fois. View all


Building Database Applications in PHP

Coursera Coursera 41,700 41,700 learners

This course explores the object oriented patterns available in PHP to build database applications. Students will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of database design and implementation. View all

Parametrer vos requetes pour proteger contre les attaques dinjection avec PHP

Coursera Coursera

Dans ce projet guidé d'une heure, nous allons vous montrer ce qu’est l’injection SQL, et comment protéger votre application contre les attaques d’injection SQL avec les requêtes paramétrées avec PHP. View all

كيفيه انشاء API call باستخدام PHP and MYSQL

Coursera Coursera

في نهاية المشروع ده هتقدر تنشئ API Call باستخدام PHP and MYSQL . خلال المشروع هتقدر تبني Database و تعمل Tables جوا ال Database . وًهتقدر تنملي ال Database بالمعلومات باستخدام ال SQL Queries. ، وهتكون قادر ت connect بال Database باستخدام ال PHP.،.، وأخيرا ، هتقدر نعمل API call باستخدام ال query params وهتكون قادر نعمل API call باستخدام الparameters في ال body . View all

faq FAQ for Php Courses

Q1: What is Coursera PHP Certification?

Coursera's PHP Certification program is designed to help learners develop mastery in the fundamental structural aspects of web applications, including the request/response cycle, hypertext markup language, PHP syntax and data structures, and how to connect to MySQL through PHP. The courses are comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics related to PHP development, including the use of cookies, session data management, and more. If you're seeking to advance your PHP skills or looking for a career change, the PHP certificate offered by Coursera can be a valuable credential to have on your resume. The program is taught by world-class instructors and course providers, ensuring that you receive high-quality education and training that is both rigorous and relevant to today's job market. With Coursera's PHP Certification, you can gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as a PHP developer and take your career to the next level.


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