Coursera Mental Health Courses List

As an online course platform, Coursera offers a wide range of Mental Health courses to help individuals gain knowledge and skills in this field. These courses cover topics such as mental health awareness, stress management, and mental health promotion. They are designed to provide learners with the necessary tools to better understand and manage their mental health.


15 Related Courses

for Coursera Mental Health Courses


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For over 15 years, Professor and Mental Health Researcher and Educator has been leading the field in mental health research and treatment. In response to the unprecedented mental health challenges of 2020, they initiated a field-wide call to action, resulting in the #TalkMentalIllness course. Through this course, they spoke to over 30 experts to discuss the causes and treatments of mental illness, the stigma surrounding it, and the systemic inequality in mental health treatment. View all


Mental Health: A Global Priority

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Enrol now and join the global effort to improve mental health for all. Learn how to identify and address mental health inequity in your own community and around the world. View all



Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19

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This course provides an in-depth exploration of the anxiety response to COVID-19 and how to manage it. Through a range of topics, from news consumption to talking to children, participants will gain a better understanding of their brain's reaction to crises and learn effective strategies for managing their mental health. View all


The Science of Well-Being for Teens

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This 6-week course, designed by Dr. Laurie Santos, provides teens with the best insights from her popular Yale course Psychology and the Good Life. Through lessons and weekly assignments, teens will learn how to be happier, reduce stress, and thrive in high school and beyond. Parents, teachers, and other professionals supporting teenagers may also benefit from this course, which aims to help teens combat the mental health crisis. View all



The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness

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Mental health and illness are deeply intertwined with our social context. This course examines how social factors promote mental health, influence the onset and course of mental illness, and affect how mental illnesses are diagnosed and treated. Learn how social attitudes and developments shape our understanding of mental health and illness. View all


Suicide Prevention

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This course provides an overview of the science of suicide research, prevention, and intervention. It covers topics such as terminology, epidemiology, theories of suicide, modern approaches to research, and empirically supported approaches to prevention and intervention. It is not designed to address personal experiences with suicidal thoughts, suicide loss, or mental illness. If you are in need of help, please contact your local suicide prevention crisis center. View all


Life 101: Mental and Physical Self-Care

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This course provides students with evidence-based lectures on the importance of mental and physical health and self-care. Through practical methods, students will learn how to adopt a healthy lifestyle and gain the skills to maintain it. Life 101: Mental and Physical Self-Care is designed to inspire and empower students to make positive changes in their lives. View all


Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health

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Positive Psychiatry is a new approach to mental health that focuses on both treating illness and distress, as well as building strengths, supports, and healthy lifestyles. This dual approach, developed by Jeste et al (2016), is gaining traction in the fields of positive psychology and mental health promotion, as a way to address the growing burden of mental illness and distress in our communities. View all


Primeros Auxilios Psicologicos

Coursera Coursera 14 14 learners

Este curso de primeros auxilios psicológicos, o primera ayuda psicológica (PAP), busca mostrarte uno de los modos de rescate y asistencia de primera línea para las personas afectadas por incidentes críticos y potencialmente traumáticos, como son los incendios, inundaciones, actos de terrorismo y otras situaciones similares. La prestación del apoyo básico, seguridad física y atención, inmediatamente después de un evento crítico, se consideran importantes para la reducción de los efectos negativos a corto, mediano y largo plazo de los desastres y otras situaciones de emergencia. La PAP es un modo de rescate y asistencia que pueden aplicar tanto rescatistas profesionales como personas sin formación profesional. View all


Salud mental y atencion psicosocial

Coursera Coursera 9 9 learners

El curso “Fortalecimiento de los equipos psicosociales y comunidad en general para el cuidado de la salud mental” tiene como propósito acercar el conocimiento sobre la salud mental y su abordaje desde la perspectiva de la comunidad y no solo desde el Talento Humano de Salud. Abordaremos las nociones de Salud Mental, problemas y trastornos mentales, estigma, determinantes sociales, principios del abordaje comunitario y algunas herramientas para la atención a problemas de salud mental incluida una introducción al manejo de las sustancias psicoactivas y la epilepsia. View all


Salud mental y atencion comunitaria

Coursera Coursera 9 9 learners

El curso “Fortalecimiento de los equipos psicosociales y comunidad en general para el cuidado de la salud mental” tiene como propósito acercar el conocimiento sobre la salud mental y su abordaje desde la perspectiva de la comunidad y no solo desde el Talento Humano de Salud. Abordaremos las nociones de Salud Mental, problemas y trastornos mentales, estigma, determinantes sociales, principios del abordaje comunitario y algunas herramientas para la atención a problemas de salud mental incluida una introducción al manejo de las sustancias psicoactivas y la epilepsia. View all


كيفية السيطرة على التوتر والقلق

Coursera Coursera 4 4 learners

التوتر والقلق (Tension & Anxiety) هما مشكلتا عصرنا الحالي، وهما من الأسباب الرئيسية لجميع أمراضنا النفسية والعضوية، وتنشأ هاتان المشكلتان من حقيقة أن عقولنا تفكر في مشاكلنا طوال الوقت دون أن الاستراحة ولو لفترة بسيطة، كي نكون قادرين على استعادة النشاط الفكري والجسدي. View all


Стресс и выгорание

Coursera Coursera 1 1 learners

Этот курс рассматривает симптоматику стресса и выгорание на уровне физиологии и нейрофизиологии. Он поможет понять, как проводить профилактику стресса и выгорания, View all


إدارة ضغوط الحياة Stress Management

Coursera Coursera 1 1 learners

أن نشعر بالضغط والتوتر لأسبابٍ معينةٍ في حياتنا اليومية سواء الشخصية أو العملية فهذا أمرٌ طبيعيٌ وواردٌ جداً، لكن من غير الطبيعي أن نسمح لهذه الضغوط بأن تسيطر على حياتنا وتتحكم في مجرياتها فنصبح بسببها ضعفاء ولا نرى حلاً إلّا أن نستسلم للأمر الواقع، لهذا نحن بحاجةٍ إلى تعلم المهارات التي تساعدنا في الاستجابة بشكلٍ جيدٍ في هذه المواقف الصعبة والتعامل معها بكفاءة، دون أن يتأثر أداؤنا أو سلوكنا سلبياً. View all


Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach

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This course explores the public health approach to major depression, a disorder that is predicted to be the leading cause of global disease burden by 2020. It examines the epidemiology, transcultural psychiatry, health services research, and prevention of depressive disorder, and how these principles can be applied to improve mental health of the population. Through this course, students gain an understanding of the complexities of applying public health principles to mental disorders, and how to use depression as an exemplar. View all

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