Coursera Korean Courses List

As an online course platform, Coursera offers a wide range of Korean courses, from basic to advanced levels. Learners can choose from a variety of topics, such as language, culture, and history. With Coursera, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of the Korean language and culture, and develop the skills necessary to communicate effectively in Korean.


11 Related Courses

for Coursera Korean Courses

The Korean Alphabet: An Introduction to Hangeul

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This course provides an introduction to the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. It covers the history of Hangeul, its creator, and the principles behind its structure. It also includes anecdotes related to Korean tourist destinations and teaches how to write Hangeul. Learners can gain a deeper understanding of Korea, learn Hangeul accurately, and gain a high-level knowledge of Hangeul. View all


Introduction to Korean Philosophy and Culture

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This course will give you the cultural and historical background to begin your journey into Korean philosophy. No prior knowledge of philosophy is required, and anybody with an interest in Korean culture, whether through K-Dramas or K-pop, or an interest in philosophy from a cross-cultural perspective, are all welcome. You’ll explore the creative tensions that Koreans have experienced, and broaden your worldview as you discover a new philosophical approach. View all



First Step Korean

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This course is designed for beginners to learn the basics of the Korean language. It consists of 5 lessons with 4 units, covering reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. It introduces basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about family and daily life. Each lesson includes dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes and role-plays. View all


The Korean Economic Development

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This course will provide an overview of the Korean economic development since 1945. You will review the evolution of the Korean economy decade by decade, examining the major policies of each decade and their effect on the Korean economy. You will also analyze the backgrounds and limitations of important policies, and compare the Korea experience with other developing countries. Through this course, you will gain an understanding of how the miracle of the Korean economic development was made possible, and learn how economic theories and models can be applied to the Korean case. You will also be able to explain how the Korean economy has interacted with the global economy in the past, and draw lessons that can be applicable to today’s developing countries. View all



Re-imaging God in Korean Context

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This course provides an overview of magical thought in the Middle Ages, from popular magic to learned magic. Students will explore medieval culture, beliefs and practices from the perspective of History and History of Science. Popular magic, as well as alchemy, geomancy and necromancy, will be addressed. We will also discuss how eastern practices and texts influenced western culture. In July 2016, the course will contain a brand-new module devoted to astrology. Through this course, students will gain an understanding of the Middle Ages, overcome prejudices, analyze historical documentation, and distinguish between popular and learned magic. The course is taught in English, with subtitles in English, Catalan and Spanish. View all


Корейский язык для начинающих: Часть 3

Coursera Coursera 1 1 learners

Присоединяйтесь к нашему курсу и научитесь говорить по-корейски! Изучайте лексику и грамматику, диалоги и проекты, и получайте удовольствие от изучения корейского языка! View all


Корейский язык для начинающих: Часть 2

Coursera Coursera 1 1 learners

Присоединяйтесь к нам и начните изучать корейский язык с нуля! Наш курс поможет вам получить базовые знания и навыки в корейском языке. Учитесь и откройте для себя новые горизонты! View all


Корейский язык для начинающих: Часть 1

Coursera Coursera 1 1 learners

Современная Южная Корея - это страна, где поразительным образом сочетается самобытная корейская культура и высокоразвитые технологии, традиционная и современная архитектура, многовековые традиции и элементы глобализации. Богатая история и развитая экономика привлекают ежегодно миллионы туристов, которые посещают Корею, чтобы насладиться древними историческими памятниками, уникальными природными пейзажами, песчаными пляжами, вкусить корейскую кухню, которая отличается неподражаемыми ароматами и богатством вкуса, а также получить качественное медицинское обслуживание, высоко признанное международным медицинским сообществом. View all


Корейский язык для начинающих: Часть 4

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Изучайте корейский язык с нами! Наш курс поможет вам практиковать грамматику и лексику, а также подготовить вас к путешествиям по Корее. Присоединяйтесь к нам и начинайте изучать корейский язык с проектом в заключительной неделе! View all


A Bridge to the World: Korean Language for Intermediate1

Coursera Coursera 27,700 27,700 learners

This course is intended for anyone interested in learning Korean. After learning basic Korean, this course is useful for learners who want to improve their communication skills on personal topics encountered in daily life. View all


A Bridge to the World: Korean Language for Advanced Ⅰ

Coursera Coursera 8,800 8,800 learners

This course will help you understand Korean more deeply and gain advanced Korean language skills. This course is designed for advanced Korean learners who are interested in Korean culture and language. View all

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